Jonathan Farningham is an artist specialising in figure and portrait commissions based in the South East. He graduated with a First Class Honours in Fine Art and subsequently was awarded a full scholarship to study Portraiture Painting at Heatherley’s School of Fine art. He is a regular exhibitor in the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, the New English Art Club and the Scottish Portrait Awards.

Artist Statement
My work explores relationships between colour and tone and how to personify my subject on canvas. I try to capture both the external and internal matter of the people in front of me and I believe that the space which surrounds the figure is equally as important as the figure itself. When painting I try to see beyond my own perceptions and confront the subject as if seeing for the first time. My goal is to paint what light reveals.
2016 – 2018 Portrait Diploma, Heatherley’s School of Fine Art
2010 – 2013 1st Class Honours Fine Art, Birmingham City University
Portrait (commissions) that are painted with feeling are portraits of the artist, not of the sitter.
-Oscar Wilde
Go to exhibitions to view an up-to-date list of online exhibitions of Jonathan’s work.